Built by
In-House Lawyers
for Everyone

The Best Contract & Project Management Software for Legal Teams


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White Papers & Guides

ALOE Feature Highlight


See Reporting in Action


What makes ALOE Reports special compared to others?

Reporting is a primary function of ALOE. Reports can be pulled by any user with permission to view those tasks and can be based on any field/s in ALOE. These reports can then be shown on dashboards in pie charts, graphs, lists, and more.

Time on status reports shows how long a contract was in a specific status to identify which stages, contract types, assignees, internal customers, etc., show patterns of experiencing delays. These reports inform legal teams to make updates to workflows or inter-departmental processes.

Book a demo and find out how we can optimize ALOE to fit your legal team’s needs.

The most effective legal teams use ALOE.

Bigfork Tech Features

BFT Feature

Contract Management

Project Management

OCR Document Storage

BFT Feature

Personalized Security

Easy Adoption/Email Integration

BFT Feature

Automated Workflows

Built by Tech and Legal Experts

One Simple Platform

Simple Tracking in One Place

Easy-to-Use Platform

ALOE™ is easy to use and brings immediate time, financial, collaborative, and risk management benefits to you and your team. Moreover, ALOE consolidates all your contract and project management needs on one simple platform by including project tracking, contract and matter management, secure document storage and metrics reporting. ALOE empowers you to manage your business in a way that works for you.

Built By Experts

Founders Christine Jones, Esq., CPA and Tanya Avila, Esq. created ways to overcome the contract and project management pain points that prevented their clients’ success. They lived the frustration of manual processes like searching through thousands of emails or creating standard documents from scratch. They came up with their own legal operations and contract management solutions that helped their clients improve and successfully grow their businesses.


One Platform

ALOE Pro provides customizable contract management software that modernizes and transforms your departments into revenue drivers. With ALOE’s customization, we make the tool fit the way you do business.


Office or Remote

Manage your team’s workload with our collaboration planning tools. Boost employee morale and productivity by distributing your workload efficiently among team members. Manage remote employees easily and efficiently while giving your team room to absorb changes to process and workflow.


Watch This 1-Minute Video to See How Bigfork Tech Makes Legal Project Management Easy

Frequently Asked Questions

General Contract Lifecycle Management FAQs

General ALOE FAQs

Start Your Digital Transformation

Stay organized with effective business automation. Let us show you how ALOE can increase your efficiency and empower remote employees.

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