We all know how different this year has been. We’ve each felt it in many ways. Whether that’s the loss of social opportunities, family time, employment, or devastatingly, loved ones.
This year has been an exercise in learning what we can do to help in situations that often feel helpless. We at Bigfork Technologies were grateful to find COVID Care Force this year – it is a way that we can help with the resources we have.
While we typically send gifts to our clients’ offices and employees to celebrate the holidays with them, this year, we’re giving back.
On behalf of Bigfork Technologies’ customers and employees, a donation has been made to COVID Care Force.
CCF recruits volunteer medical teams and contact tracers and sends them to areas that are overwhelmed by COVID-19 hospitalizations. These volunteers are sent to hospitals who could otherwise not afford additional staff to take on the increased patient load, enabling the hospital to provide critical care to more patients. Donations support the travel, housing, and meal costs of the volunteer force they recruit.