It has now been two years since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. While it is enticing to imagine a world where everything returns to “normal,” the reality is that surviving in-house legal teams, law firms, and small businesses have learned to adapt.
How To Go Hybrid?
The most significant difference in businesses that have survived the pandemic has been adaption. Now, the million-dollar question you may have is, how? The answer: cloud technologies.
According to survey data collected from the 2020 Legal Trends Report, most law firms have adopted some form of legal tech during the pandemic:
• 85% used software to manage their firms
• 83% met clients virtually
• 79% stored firm data in the cloud
• 73% accepted online payments
• 62% supported electronic documents and e-signatures
Even with the success of many legal operations moving toward cloud-based solutions, hybrid work remains the most immediate challenge for law firms in 2022. Many firms find implementing a hybrid model to be more difficult than operating a fully remote model. Some issues that the hybrid model can cause: documents saved locally in the office cannot be accessed at home or vice versa, tracking the current contract management stage, compliance issues, reporting issues, and more.
Why Not Go Full Remote?
Alright, so why not go fully remote? Remote work is not for everyone. Some employees struggle with isolation and lack of in-person supervision while others may be interested in developing professional relationships with mentors. 76% of legal professionals agree they are experiencing more stress or anxiety than before the pandemic. Therefore, considering a hybrid model may be more appropriate for some legal operations.
Software for Hybrid Work Best Practices
The ALOE™ automation software by Bigfork Tech can streamline project management and contract lifecycle management. Perfect for small businesses or large organizations, ALOE offers numerous features to revamp business automation processes and optimize productivity. Regardless of whether ALOE is the right fit for you, consider these tips when deciding on your legal operations software.
It is also important to note that having the right technology is only half the battle. As more companies move toward a hybrid or remote work model, work-life balance becomes key in employee retention and company success. You can read more about tips for managing a remote workforce here.
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